9 | Moving RFID Up the Supply Chain: Challenges & Success

9 | Moving RFID Up the Supply Chain: Challenges & Success

9 | Moving RFID Up the Supply Chain: Challenges & Success

There is a growing desire for data and insights throughout the supply chain. With decades of Experience and thousands of locations using RFID solutions developed by Nedap, we have identified major challenges in deploying and scaling RAIN RFID. Now that the fashion and apparel industry is significantly equipped with RFID tags, we can take the next step.

In this session Hidde Zijlstra will present the challenges and lessons learned during the move up the supply chain based on real use cases. What data have we gathered so far, and where do we run into limitations?

Lecture Quick Info

Lecture Technologie Focus on
Program Type
Day 1 | 18th of October
12:40 PM
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