1 | How RAIN RFID Helps to Cut Costs And Reduce Errors In AV Rental

1 | How RAIN RFID Helps to Cut Costs And Reduce Errors In AV Rental

1 | How RAIN RFID Helps to Cut Costs And Reduce Errors In AV Rental

RAIN RFID-enabled rental asset management systems help firms to:

  • Minimize labor by eliminating the need for asset handling and manual data collection at check-in and check-out
  • Optimize fulfillment cycle time
  • Speed cycle counts
  • Improve accuracy of customer orders and asset–customer associations Gather more accurate location data

Learn about the special challenges of professional equipment rental and how RAIN RFID helps preparing the correct items to ship as well as confirming a complete return after the rental, requiring no line of sight as it would be with traditional barcode systems.

Lecture Quick Info

Lecture Technologie Focus on
Program Type
Day 1 | 18th of October
09:40 AM
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